
Allama Muhammad Iqabl, also known as Allama Iqbal, is the National Poet of Pakistan. A poet, philosopher, politician, lawyer, and scholar, Iqbal was born on November 9, 1877, in Punjab, Pakistan, to Kashmiri parents and educated at Scotch Mission College in Sialkot. He received BAs in philosophy, English literature, and Arabic at Government College University, where he was awarded the Khan Bhadurddin F. S. Jalaluddin medal. In 1905, Iqbal worked closely with Sir Thomas Arnold while studying philosophy at Trinity College Cambridge in England.

Life Timeline

Here's a time line of Dr. Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal's life:
  • 1877 - Born in Sialkot, Panjab;
  • 1892 - Graduates from Scotch Mission High School, Sialkot.
  • 1895 - Goes to Lahore, Took Admission Government College.
  • 1897 - Received B.A Degree.
  • 1899 - Received his M.A Degree (Philosophy)
  • 1903 - Published his First book "Ilm Ul-Iqtisaad" in Urdu Language
  • 1905 - Goes to London,
  • 1907 - Awarded B.A. degree from Trinity College, Cambridge University.
  • 1908 - Elected to Executive Committee, London Branch, All-India Muslim League.
  • 1915 - Publishes "Asraar-e-Khudii"
  • 1923 - Publishes Payaam-e-Mashriq (Message of the east) in a response to Goethes ‘West-Ostlicher Divan’.
  • 1930 - Gave his Presidential Address to the Muslim League in Allahabad, speaks of the possibility of a separate Muslim state.
  • 1938 - Died in Lahore; Buried next to Badshahi Masjid.
Note: This Information is taken from various resources on Google

Famous Poems

Some lines from the Most Famous Poem of Allama Muhammad Iqbal "Jawab-e-Shikwa", written in Urdu Language

allama-iqbal Jawab-e-Shikwa

More About Iqbal

Here is some of the resources to Know more about Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal